Monday, June 29, 2015

Custom Minion Made for Family

I made a custom Minion for a friend of mine who is more like family than friend. She wanted a durable stuffed animal for her grandson and I had just made a minion pin cushion using a tutorial I found on pinterest. She asked me if I could make a large one like the pincushion and I didn't know if I could but I told her I would try my best to do so. 

This is the little pin cushion I made using a tutorial that I found Here.

I thought this little minion was just the cutest thing so I can understand her wanting a bigger one for her grandson. So I went to work. I couldn't use the parts for this minion for the bigger one because it would have looked funny with little legs and a big body. In pincushion size it looks adorable but bigger it just wouldn't look right. So using the smaller one as inspiration I made a larger minion. I don't have a tutorial for this stuff toy because everything was pretty much done by looking at it and making changes as I saw fit. I did most of the sewing by hand to make sure it would hold up to the little mans playing. 

My minion stuffed toy isn't perfect but I think I did a pretty good job without having a pattern for it. lol. 

She wanted a one eyed minion and I think I nailed it if I do say so myself. It was the hardest thing I've ever made when it comes to sewing. 

This is the little guy from the side. I made him with fleece so that he would be soft and huggable. He ended up being awesome. So much so that my son stole him and tried to keep him for himself. 

I embroidered the back for her because she wanted something to show the date and his name. 

At the end of the day I made an Minion that he will have for a very long time. Little mishaps can be repaired by his grandma and possibly the toy can be passed down to his kids. Just the thought of that is so worth all the frustration, the pain, and the time I put into this toy for him. I hugged him myself a few times and felt that it was not only durable but lovable. 
I spoke with his grandma and she told me that he sleeps with the minion everyday! It warms my heart that he loves it so much!! I may not be saving the world but if I can make one person happy with the things I make then I'm good with that. 

Happy Sewing,

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