Tuesday, September 1, 2015

HK Travel Bag

I really loved a pattern I saw online but the bag was way too small for me. The original bag tutorial can be found on Sewing Steph blog, here. She gives great instructions until the very end it can be confusing but after a couple times of trying I figured out. I ended up having to read some of the comments on the blog also to help me out with the instructions. The end result is awesome. The size on the blog is about the size of a small lunch bag. I doubled the size and made some other changes and it came out awesome! :) 

This bag can hold multiple outfits, shoes, towel, and more. I stuff this bag with everything I needed for a trip and still had more than enough room for more. I would have gone on 30% bigger if I had known the bag would have been so big. I didn't need that big of a bag for my travels. I haven't mastered the math of sewing and didn't know what the exact dimensions of the bag would be by looking at the pattern pieces. 

I made custom straps for this bag to make sure that they wouldn't break under the load or hurt my arms when carrying my items. Inside the straps are strips of fleece for comfort and I stitched several lines through the straps so when the bag is washed it would not bunch up. I tested the bag after filling it with my things and was very satisfied with the comfort of the straps. 

Unfortunately this bag does not have any side pockets inside but due to its size a toiletry bag could easily be added to the bag with no problems. I think the next time I make this bag I will add side pockets and also a toiletry bag to match it for those little things we all travel with :). 

Overall this bag is wonderful and I plan on making more of these for family and friends when I'm able to. This bag is difficult to make on a small machine and all the corners and turns needed are not for someone who is a beginner. 

Happy Sewing,

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